5 Steps to Apply Design Thinking to Improving Health

5 Steps to Apply Design Thinking to Improving Health

“The experience of taking control of your life will change your reality, making it possible to achieve almost anything you seriously want to do.” Dr. Roth, The Achievement Habit

As we prepare to launch our March Mania Challenge, we are going to fill you in on the process on how we are determining the most effective health transformation.

What is it that most people want anyways? To lose weight, right?


We realize it’s not getting people to lose weight – it’s about getting them to want to work out, to enjoy it, make it accessible, build a community, and give them the power to be in control of their health and life.

People loved being a part of the COR community, the kids even join in on the fun (psst!…we are already planning the fun for KADP this summer!), all while pushing everyone to new heights.

“By changing the question, I have altered my point of view and dramatically expanded the number of possible solutions.” – Dr. Roth

The question changed –

  • “How might we get people to lose weight?”
  • “How might we prove working out is fun and establishes a healthy lifestyle?”
  • “How might we demonstrate the impact COR has on encouraging families to be a part of this healthy community?”

…by better understanding our clients.

Design Thinking is term coined by Roth and other Stanford engineers (typically used to improve on a specific product or experience, like a lightbulb or online dating). In “The Achievement Habit“, Roth explains how the same process can be applied inward, helping individuals become happier and more successful.

There’s innovation in the way we approach technology (think that hip watch you’re sporting on your wrist, or the new heart rate monitor) – we got that covered for you here – but there’s also innovation in how we approach our health. The latest gadgets are great and serve as fun motivators…but mastering yourself is all the rage as well – and free.

Nothin’ is more stylish than that.

When Dr. Roth, had first-hand experience applying design thinking to his weight-loss, he discovered that everyone can form the kind of lifelong habits that solve problems, achieve goals and help make our lives better. All it took was “changing the question“. By simply altering his point of view, the number of possibilities dramatically expanded.

So what’s that #1 question we talked about last week –

#1: “What would it do for me if I solved this problem?”

How do we ask the right question to make these next-level changes that step up the game, technology or potential of anything?

Step #1: Empathize” — learn what the real issues are that need to be solved.

  • Understand yourself and define the issue
    •  ex: Diet: Is the junk food the problem or the REASON you are eating the junk food the problem(aka lack of sleep, stress, cravings, triggers, etc.)? Too often we focus on fixing our diet, but what not on fixing the root of our behaviors. Sometimes it takes a nutritional analysis to understand these mechanisms.
    • ex: Exercise: In terms of weight loss – What would it really do for you?  Is it to live longer? Look better and be accepted by others?  Is it to build strength to improve performance? Longevity? Functionality?

Step #2: “Define the problem” — a surprisingly tough task.

  • Become empathetic toward yourself during the journey as well as reframing the world and our perspectives

“Design thinking on the highest level is a way of reframing the way you look at the world and deal with issues, and the main thing is this idea of empathy.”

“If you have tried something and it hasn’t worked, then you’re working on the wrong problem.”

Step #3:  “Ideate” — brainstorm, generate possible solution, come up with ideas.

Step #4: “Build” – Create a plan, map out your goals, work with a coach, talk with others.

Step #5: “Test” – The final step is to test the idea and get feedback…when it comes to you, this means testing it on yourself – go try it! Is it working? Was it enjoyable?

Why does this work so well? Because it’s focused around you! Not your friend, not your co-worker, and not the bodybuilder on the bench over…but YOU!

There is both a growing need and opportunity to build collaboration between health and design to address the critical public health issues of our time. Applying human-centered design to address complex health problems (obesity, disease, etc.) creates environments and experiences that make healthy behaviors not only simple, but easy, enjoyable, and economical.

  1. Ask the right question
  2. Do what we’ve never done before
  3. Discover our capabilities
Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/improving-heal...

10 Motivation Quotes from Thomas Edison Everyone Should Know!

10 Motivation Quotes from Thomas Edison Everyone Should Know!

10. Exercise

“The mind of a child is naturally active, it develops through exercise. Give a child plenty of exercise, for body and brain.”

 – Why should that change? You don’t need me to tell you the countless benefits some movement has on the body – besides noticing the #gains – we are constantly informed of the improvements…not only through the preaching of our fit friends and trainers but we feel them. A huge benefit commonly overlooked, but emerging noticeably more in recent research, is the effect exercise has on the brain.

“The trouble with our way of educating is that it does not give elasticity to the mind. It casts the brain into a mold.”

– Exercise …you heard it here first. Edison approves…and see how COR is challenging this through our March Mania Challenge.

9. Hard Work

“Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.”

“We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

– Are you “trying” or are do you really doing your best?

8. Character

“Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have.”

– Do with what you have and make the best of it!

7. Approach

“Vision without execution is hallucination.”

-Have a game plan and dream big.

6. Sweat

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” 

– If I can take this to another level – substitute “genius” with anything you aspire… it takes hard work…and there is no substitution for hard work.

5. Activity

“The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.”

  – Is it obvious yet that I’m a fan exercise, yet? It’s the pushing, and challenging and growing of ourselves that I love…and exercise is the medium to do that in a physical manner.  However, can challenge yourself in many ways – through drawing, reading, instruments, etc. – there always exists places to apply yourself.

4. Persistence

“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.”

– “STICK TO IT-TIVENESS” – that’s my favorite.

3. Giving up

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time.”

– Think of all those times you succeeded – imagine if you quit right before? You would have never know all that you were capable of achieving. The next time you want to give up, think of how close you could be.

2. Positive in the Negative

“Negative results are just what I want. They’re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don’t.”

– There is just as much value in our failures as our successes…which leads us to the last gem…


“Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.” – The value is in the process. Satisfaction doesn’t lie in the results.”

– Failure is Edison’s #1 area of expertise. How we choose to deal with the inevitable failures that happen along the way make or break our path to success.

Professional athlete, CEO, inventor alike – the ones who succeed rely on their mind and skills to make the special happen!

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/motivational-q...

Be More Effective, Enjoyable, Productive, & Profitable in 2016

Be More Effective, Enjoyable, Productive, & Profitable in 2016

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got” – Mark Twain

Do the same things, you can expect the same results.

You’ve probably heard Einstein’s expression – “Insanity = Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.”
Since it came from a smart person…that makes it true, right?

Continual action sounds more like persistence, but in the context of improvement it’s simply ineffective.

Whether it be athletic performance, personal improvement, business, or life – I’ve yet to meet someone satisfied with the status quo.  Every thing wants (and has the potential!) to be better, more effective, more enjoyable, more productive, and more profitable.  Nevertheless, many of us seeking improvement continue doing the same thing we’ve done and just hope for a different result – insanity right?

How is this done in sports? When does improvement stop?

It’s fun to wonder – how long can athletes like swimmers continue to drop time? How much faster can we run a marathon? Eventually we can’t blink and be at the finish line, so when does it stop?

Competitive athletes reach the point at which they are willing to make any sacrifice for that inch of improvement. However, that “anything” is usually restricted by the ‘same-ol’, traditional norms that they’ve been taught.

These are the two hardest times to make improvements –

1. Getting started (my NY resolution folks)
2. Improving after ‘exhausting the limits’ (competitive athletes, professionals)

These two circumstances are also the most optimal for achieving improvements. Why?

They both hold the key to breakthrough: 

Doing what you’ve never done before

What are you doing this week that you’ve never done before? How are you changing things up? Keep it fun, keep improving!

You can experiment for yourself, or finish reading how here.

The discomfort, unfamiliarity, and risk of failure is trumped by the possibilities of success – explaining why we almost always neurotically continue. The journey is easy when you are reaping the benefits and riding the wave of success, but what happens when you are continually knocked down? When discouragement sets in and failure arises. When you invest every ounce and nothing is worthwhile. That time, money, energy put into your passion makes you question if it was a waste.

The balance between persistence and change is hard – but they actually co-exist.

Grow in a different way.

What does that mean?

  • Doing the same exercise over and over again until you get injured
  • Becoming frustrated and doubtful
  • Following what works for everyone else
  • Trying something new
  • Recognizing the gains
  • Trusting in the process and yourself

The most successful start to a new exercise regimen or habit is beginning with something you enjoyWhy do we change this approach to grinding out 30+ hours of training a week?
If we don’t make room for the things that are enjoyable (like this!) – it’s not sustainable. You need to either be 1. Having fun or 2. Improving

Our training model reflecting this relationship -“The fastest swimmers have the most fun”

Grinding out work is exhilarating when you recognize the momentous gains and enjoy the process. That moment when you learn a new skill, laugh with your training partner, make something a little tastier than before, feel better after a workout – it’s essential we pause and recognize the moments that make it all worth while – the tiny joys that are found in the fun, impressionable memories along the way.


As for improvements – we are made to think they are limited to gains in physique, finances, or championship performances. Don’t overlook the improvements found in the mundane but critical – sleep, nutrition, practice, attitude, and beyond.

Meanwhile, there are inner processes occurring:

  • Physiologically, if you dig into the science of exercise performance improvements – countless changes are happening. In a 10-year, longitudinal study on a world-record marathon runner, many physiological factors were tested, and many changes occurred. The vast data pointed to the runner’s profound improvement in running economy as the key to her performance improvements. This is impossible to contribute to any single physiological adaptation considering all the changes she was making…but maybe that’s the point – for 10 years she continued changing, stressing and improving different systems more efficiently: more restquality over quantityresistance training, periodization, better nutrition – all values COR emphasizes. There is no single change to credit her success. All we know is that we must mix things up…and there’s a science to doing that most effectively!
    • Approach: If you aren’t satisfied, maybe it’s time to look inward: Are you doing the same ineffective things over and over? Going to the gym and frustrated with the lack of results? Are you waiting for the circumstance to change? Or maybe the people around you?
    • You: If you’re stuck in a pattern that’s not getting you what you want, then it’s time to change the pattern. Which means changing the only part of the situation you have control over – you.

Instead of waiting for the circumstances to change, you must change them yourself. Don’t wait for a better future, create you own.

There is no specific list of tasks to becoming successful. Success isn’t formulaic. It’s personal. Studying a field that educates on the countless factors differentiating each individual human, I’ve learned to appreciate this. It’s not something that overwhelms me with impossibility of a formal answer – instead it provides a palette to pull from and inspiration to design the optimal personal experience catered to an individual.


We are unique. Not only in our inherent physiology and genetics but throw in our experiences, environment, and lifestyle – you’d think it would be impossible to know how to help others. Instead, you need someone who understands all these factors and YOU. Part of what makes success special is the personality you infuse into why and how you do what you do. Stop looking for the prescribed set of answers. Success is creating your own habits. Personalizing it to YOU.

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/be-more-effect...

One Step Closer to Happiness

One Step Closer to Happiness

“Active natures are rarely melancholy. Activity and sadness are incompatible” – Christian Bovee

Anyone who ever said they didn’t feel better after a workout is lying. We weren’t meant to be stagnate individuals and a dose of activity does wonders.

Move your body. Move your mind. Move SOMETHING.

No matter if you’re on the beaches vegging on vacation or stuck indoors with snow and rain – simply don’t forget to move every now and then. Small bouts of movement repeatedly can be as beneficial as a long workout.

Harvard Medical Publications advise us to take advantage of what both physical and mental activities provide. On the physical side it could be anything as simple as getting up and taking a lap around the office. It could also be on the mental side – take a three minute break to do to a crossword puzzle, read a book, volunteer, doodle. The principle of active engagement is not only the top rated identifier in markers of successful aging but it enhances memory, decreases depression and risk of dementia.

No matter if you’re the young athlete or weekend warrior, professional or that newbie just trying to get through one more rep –  this is where gains are made.

Small gains add up over time – persistence and movement is key.

You’re body and brain will thank you later.

A great day is only one step away – literally.

What are you doing this week to get movin? How do you monitor happiness?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/one-step-close...

Finding Balance and Keep Moving Forward


“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Whatever you do, keep moving forward. 

So maybe this isn’t the traditional message that many associate with Dr. King’s legacy, but it’s a universal teaching made evident through his actions. Dr. King had a way of conveying ideas that left others looking at the world with a new perspective – what better time to share some of his impactful and timeless messages.

While this quotation epitomizes the determined efforts of King, it is very much applicable to our athletic lives.

Dr. King’s role as a civil rights activist ignited a powerful movement and left influential change, however his life and work symbolize a quest that rests at the heart of us all –  refusing to be satisfied with the suboptimal.

Sometimes we won’t be able to run, but that doesn’t mean we can’t walk. At times we can barely walk, but we can still crawl.

No matter what, there is always a way to make progress.

“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.”

Whether it be our social conditions or athletic performance – it is human nature to dream bigger and better. It’s this enthusiasm that ignites change.

But how often do we act on that? 

It’s not enough to dream. We all can dream. We must find a way to take the next step toward change.

“Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle”

This message is two-part. 

Just as important through the process of change, is the balance between strength and persistence to move forward with compassion and understanding to modify

It’s not the continuous, violent pounding to our bodies that ignites improvements and progress – it’s the growth through change that follows finding a way no matter the struggle.  It’s no easy feat, but change is the result of determination and persistence. When pursued with enthusiasm, passion and love, it becomes the catalyst for change.

Moving forward means listening to our bodies and choosing to ‘walk’ when we cannot ‘run, yet challenging ourself to make that decision instead of stopping altogether. As we approach any kind of change – whether in ourselves or for social betterment – it’s with this enthusiasm and strong vision that allows us to move forward.

Do you choose to use your enthusiasm for improvement and change to propel you forward? How do you find ways to move forward in the face of struggle?       

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/keep_moving_fo...

The #1 Habit of Effective Athletes

The #1 Habit of Effective Athletes

“The commitments we make to ourselves and to others, and our integrity to those commitments, is the essence and clearest manifestation of our proactivity.” – Stephen Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Week 2 of the New Year – How are those 2016 commitments going?

Covey’s 7 Habits are gold. His message is a simple reminder of the core influences occurring behind-the-scenes of our new commitments. How do we decide if we are fulfilling our goalshow do we judge the success of ourselves, and how do we set forth setting new aspirations?

It was at the beginning of high school when I first stumbled upon Stephen’s son’s teen version of this book.  If there is one small takeaway – the foundation for the other six habits – it’s his first message.


Covey’s #1 Habit: Be Proactive Athletes

What does that mean? 

Focusing on what you CAN change.

There’s tons of psychology chatter, sports performance research, and behavior change evidence behind his concept, but here’s it to you straight –

“Just remember that every moment, every situation, provides a new choice. And in doing so, it gives you a perfect opportunity to do things differently to produce more positive results.” 

That’s all.

Simply said – Every moment is a chance to align our goals and actions. We respond pretty well to it too. Proactivity becomes both our approach to our commitments as well as our actions.

We judge our productivity off our sense of integrity – the coherence between our goals and actions…when our values, actions, beliefs, etc. integrate it becomes something that builds upon itself. This explains the exhilarating, momentous, encouraging snowball effect of accomplishment and working towards goals.

Proactive folks focus on the things they can change – in sports, these are your everyday details (finishing out those reps, keeping technique on point when fatigued, etc.).

It’s also how we respond to our environment.

“Response-able” – your ability to choose a response:

#1 way to start – what we say (and sometimes what we don’t say) – whether that be spoken or through out thoughts.

Language: A proactive person uses proactive language. A reactive person uses reactive language.

I can, I will, I prefer, etc. > I can’t, I have to, if only

Taking the initiative to find the solution (ex: How to fit the workout in while traveling – “I can do a body weight tabata circuit in my hotel room”)  > Dwelling on the problem and waiting for someone to fix it for you (“I can’t exercise because the hotel gym is nasty”)

Not all things are within our control, we need to identify those that we can change and focus our efforts on thosecommitments.

“Proactive people focus their efforts on their Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about: health, children, problems at work.”

“Reactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern — things over which they have little or no control: the national debt, terrorism, the weather.”

Gaining an awareness of the areas in which we expend our energy is a huge step in becoming proactive. *where the magic in accomplishing goals happens*

What are doing something about this week? Share it! Are you triggered by a stimulus or do you choose your response?

How do I start off a new beginning/commitment (like a new semester!)? Writing all the things I want to dohow I’m going to commit, and stick to itKeep that integrity, push forward, and be proactive! 

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/resolutions/

Everyday Resolutions

Everyday Resolutions

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

This week welcomes the New Year, the most popular day for making resolutions.

Making goals, striving for improvement, an excuse to be better…that excites me…so what better day to write a long newsletter about new year’s resolutions, how to make them, and how to keep them…right?

Except one thing.

Why do we need an excuse to start something new?

To make a change. To take on a challenge. To improve ourselves. To make a difference.

“There’s no time limit, stop [or start] whenever you want.”

You don’t need a New Year to make a resolution. All you need is today – this Monday. Or really…ANY MOMENT!

I’m all about an excuse to improve myself, try something new and start my day with a purpose. Here’s where it becomes a problem…too people only do this one day a year – January 1st –  but the turning of a number shouldn’t be our catalyst for change.

Too often we simply set a goal based on what we ought to do, what we read in magazines or what we see other people doing and their expectations – workout more, eat better, be nicer, yada-yada-yada.

Where’s the meaning in that? Forget about what you or other people think you ought to be doing, and look at what you really want!  Do you want to feel more rejuvenated, lively, clear? Do you want to be able to move without pain, kick the soccer ball with your children, or take a walk with your wife? Do you hope to build better relationships? Improve your memory?

Resolutions can often lack a foundation of meaning and personal relevance. What we need is something fundamental, central and important that truly carries purpose. This purpose comes from inside, something that’s based on what’s important and what you dream for later.

What kind of person waits all year to act on a decision anyway?  Why wait for that “one day” to make a decision, when there are another 364 equally great resolution-making days available to you?

Here’s a thought: Let’s do it every day.

Let’s not wait for one day a year. Waiting is exhausting and no fun. Start today. You have the courage to change your life in any way that suits you, and not just on January 1. That power and accessibility of change is there every day.

“I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”

What goal have you put on the ‘goal wall’ (you can even mail them in!) or been working towards?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/resolutions/

The Everyday Holiday Training Mindset

The Everyday Holiday Training Mindset

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Not only is this quote fitting as we enjoy the holiday training season, but it doubles as a reminder of what we need to hold on to every day.

Holidays resonate with many for various, meaningful reasons. The typical accompanying sense of gratitude and joy shouldn’t only be embraced once a year, but every day. Those moments of defeat, frustration, and dread…the days where we want to be any where but where we are right then and there (*cough cough* work on Friday at 3pm, holiday training trip, traffic, insert your daily complaint here)…why wouldn’t we latch onto this holiday mindset every day?

It isn’t only during the holiday training season that we are presented with moments to be grateful and the chances to express those – it’s every day.

Through our workthoughts, moments of givingskills possessed, conversations, routine activitiespassions – each waking day is a chance to live fueled with this joyful spirit, enjoyment and gratitude.

Nothing in life is guaranteed. We are given the gift of 24 hours. To not do everything in our power to make those the greatest 24 hours would be a shame. As we take the time to revel in the joy, giving, and optimistic goal setting of the season, realize this doesn’t need to happen one day a year.

Make this a part of your day. Every dayStarting today.

Sometimes it takes missed opportunities, adversity, cherished memories, or lost loved ones before you recognize the chances that you had and continue to have daily.


This video is a reminder to “focus not on what you can’t do…but focus on what you CAN DO…and be the best you can be“. Something as simple as the gift of playing a sport, what many of us take for granted, can be taken from us at any moment…just as it was this young boy. When faced with one option, he took it to places no one expected and became an athlete who defines today’s message.

“This is the only thing I can do – I’m going to become great at it”

Again – choose not to focus on what we can’t do, but focus on what we can do…and be the best we can be.

1. Can’t do something? Find something you can. There always exists the strength within you to test new limits. Offer your greatest self to others, and use this as an opportunity to grow in new ways.

2. Hold on to this...be grateful for those opportunities and those memories with friends, teammates, and families; for that chance is something not everyone is allowed, and can get taken from you in a blink of an eye. How easy it is to become preoccupied with the rush, stress, and daily annoyances…but keep in mind the little things…the reasons behind what you do each day, and the meaning behind your actions.

Recognizing the opportunities presented to us amidst our most troubled times empowers us with perseverance and energizes us with gratitude. Treasuring what we have, had, and what’s to come – with our valued memories, the unique abilities we possess and our excitement for even greater things ahead – allows us to remember what we have to cherish.

Treasure the moments we have with loved ones and the opportunities presented to us all the time – through our sports, in our community, at home, while working…no matter the struggle or glory. A resilient quest to be our best self, paired with gratitude, was a lesson a former teammate exemplified throughout his years of swimming. This contagious attitude and mindset is one we can all exemplify.

Live each day carrying out this lesson of gratitude and resilience. With every chore, stroke, word, repetition, gift, and step this week – make it your absolute best. You have the ability to, don’t take it for granted.

How do you plan on living out this week’s message? What are you grateful for this week?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/holiday-traini...

Become the Placebo, Believe in Yourself

Become the Placebo, Believe in Yourself

“Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.” -Lou Holtz
It’s cranking out that last rep when there is nothing left. Rounding the final home stretch of a 5k. The last of 20×100 sprints off the block.

Anyone who’s exercised has experienced that surge of energy that pushes you past what you thought was possible.

In the tiring moment when you could collapse, just as you are about quit…you find that notch and crank it UP. Physiologists believe that our brain sends out these “quitting signals” as a protective mechanism before every fiber, tissue and muscle in our body has been exhausted. We reach this “limit”, when perhaps we may still have a physical reserve available to us…if we can find a way to tap it.

Research data (and anyone who has first-hand experience competing in a sport) has already made it obvious – most performance is enhanced in a competition setting. In addition, the performance improvements of a placebo have been made evident.

So what about the effects of a placebo when you are already at your max, such as during a competition?

At a time when you are already tapping into your last reserve of physical capacity, is there still more physiological wiggle room?

New research suggests that a placebo improved performance by both reducing perception of effort and increasing potential motivation –  both cognitive and noncognitive processes appear to have influenced placebo response. Runners thought they were receiving a performance enhancing injection, when it was actually salt water! Their performance improved from placebo intervention more so than in response to the control…at a time when these runners were pushing the greatest of the limits [checkout this interview Dr. John had with the main investigator of the study Dr. Ross].

If we can experience these benefits for changes outside of ourself (i.e. injections, pills, treatments), we can induce the same change with out a pill or change! It’s already been concluded that there remains a physical reserve in us and the placebo (aka strong belief) proves extraordinarily powerful…and serves as that extra edge.

Engage in that and become the placebo.

Researchers have found “that placebo treatments—interventions with no active drug ingredients—can stimulate real physiological responses, from changes in heart rate and blood pressure to chemical activity in the brain, in cases involving pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and even some symptoms of Parkinson’s.”

As Lou Holtz says:

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing.”  (Showing up each time and putting forth an honest effort…which we learned is more than we think is possible)

“Motivation determines what you do.” (*cough cough* some Weekly Monday Motivation…let this email fire you up!)


“Attitude determines how well you do it.” (BELIEVE you can do it…and have a reason why you can!)

You don’t need something outside yourself – all it takes is a belief in the possibilities with an equally strong commitment to do the work in order to create the conditions for change.

Be the placebo and create the extraordinary experience you want – you’re the best performance enhancing drug!

What are you going to believe in this week? Comment or e-mail us!

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/placebo/

Resilience: Learning to Bounce Back

Resilience: Learning to Bounce Back

“To be something we never were, we have to do something we’ve never done.” – USA Navy Seal, Eric Greitens

At some point, we’ve been comforted by the typical, “it’s not about how many times you get knocked down, it’s about how many times you get back up“, silver-lining. Sure, this timeless, pick-me-up serves as the simple condolence filling our voided spirit with optimism…but the emerging scientific evidence proves this universal truth extends beyond your simple interaction with a challenge.

In the past decade, the concept of resilience, and it’s links to improve well-being continues to be on the rise. …and the most important predictor of resilience –  a positive outlook.

Are you the one who grows after trauma or the one who gets swallowed by it? 

Resilience isn’t only for the hero on the frontline or the most decorated Olympian –  we each are exposed to high levels of adversity throughout our life…even our day.

Think back to the last time you experienced a setback, difficulty, or loss. Did you respond by dwelling and venting on the disappointment, or did you find the spark of meaning amid the darkness?

How quickly did you bounce back? How resilient are you?

If you want to know more why this affects your life and your chances of growth, and how to incorporate it into your life..keep reading (link to article)! ( *hint* it’s much more than the gains you make despite an injury or life’s daily annoyances…but your family, health, and overall well-being)

Perhaps we don’t choose to be in the current situation, but what’s more important is how we handle it. Treasure the challenges, and recognize these opportunities for growth that serve to your benefit…make this a great week!

 What challenge are you maximizing in order to reach your dreams?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/resilience/

4 Ways to Build Strength with Resilience

4 Ways to Build Strength with Resilience

Realizing you can handle life in the face adversity in only a thought away, and allows you to maximize a challenge. The growing interest in resilience among mental health care providers globally has created a need for a simple way to consider the complex interactions that predict adaptive coping when there is exposure to high levels of adversity. Ranging from performance plateaus, mental illness, violence, natural disasters, losses, and daily conflicts – un-ideal situations are inevitable. Rather than dealing with the repercussions and associated negative emotions, what if we were prepared to be more suited for our experiences?

Why are strength and resilience important and how do you get it?

We each experience our own challenges, and it isn’t the loudest complainer who has it the most difficult. Each of Fredrickson’s studies demonstrate resilient participants experience the same level of frustration and anxiety as those less resilient; their physiological and emotional spikes were equally high. This reveals that resilient people aren’t a rare human species, immune to negativity… they simply let go of the negativity, worry less, and shift their attention to the positive strength more quickly. Resilience serves beyond a reactive skill-set advantageous in the face of adversity, it’s these same characteristic traits improving our well-being, physical and mental health, and ultimately enriching our lives. The best way to cultivate this – experience.

1. Stay Up

Positive emotions are the most important predictor of resilience. Research concludes positive emotions can undo the effects of a stressful negative experience. This isn’t suggesting you acquire a delusional, brightness-blinding life, but rather have a positive outlook in difficult circumstances.  People who are resilient tend to be more positive and optimistic, better able to regulate their emotions, and can maintain their optimism through the most trying circumstances compared to those less-resilient.

2. Snap Back

It’s all about how quick you can “bounce back” from stressful experiences and effectively using those positive emotions discussed above to rebound from, and find positive meaning in, stressful encounters. The experience of positive emotions contribute to the ability to achieve efficient emotion regulation and find positive meaning in negative circumstances. Further research demonstrates that resilient people are even able to change their responses to match the demands of our frequently changing environmental circumstances.

3. Write Down

A conscious focus on blessings may have emotional and interpersonal benefits. A study conducted using subjects with neuromuscular disease were randomly assigned to either a gratitude condition or a control condition. Guess who thrived. The gratitude-outlook groups exhibited heightened psychological and physical well-being across several of the outcome measures relative to the comparison groups, including strength. These results not only reinforced the importance of a positive outlook, but also concluded that gratitude has a positive impact on optimism and goal-orientation.

4.  Build Out

The British Psychological Society suggested a strong link between confidence in yourself and resilience. Strong confidence yields greater resilience when a setback occurs, knowing you are capable of a better outcome. Developing resilience through youth sports can benefit a child’s overall success in academics and life, as well as in athletic achievements. Combine the involvement of attentive parents, coaches and mentors, with the increased intellectual stimulation from physical activity and skill-work, and it allows children who participate in sports to reap social and emotional benefits. Teaching children resiliency and strength within their athletic program at a young age can boost their self-esteem and future well-being. COR works with a range of ages, helping foster these in our KADPhigh school strength program, and even our adult boot camp!

Perhaps we don’t choose to be in the current situation, but what’s more important is how we handle it. Treasure the challenges, and recognize these opportunities for growth that serve to your benefit.

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/strength-resil...

Scared to Exercise? 5 Steps to Banish Doubt and Eradicate Fear

Scared to Exercise? 5 Steps to Banish Doubt and Eradicate Fear

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
– Dale Carnegie

Going out, taking action, and making the first step is HUGE. How do you expect to trust in your abilities if you are sitting on the couch being scared of exercise? Being active in the moment (even if that is “failing”) brings you one step closer than when you were doing nothing…surprisingly you soon get to the point where you say, “hey, I’m actually capable of more than I realized”.

Fear arises from situations that could yield failure, suffering, success, isolation, foolishness, disapproval, etc. Fear of exercise makes sense, for years and years it’s promoted survival! Nowadays you may not be concerned with running from lions, but while the stimuli has changed it still serves the same purpose. Instead of fighting for our lives it’s now a spot on the podium or a job at an office. Fear is a natural response, it should be welcomed, appreciated, accepted…and it’s OK to feel…what we’re concerned about is how it’s originating.


Most times people have fear of exercise and doubt when venturing into something new, uncomfortable, or with previously undesirable effects – it’s to protect us from getting hurt…but these are often exaggerated and acquired by expectations based on our experiences.

So how do we dissipate fear? How do we approach the next step with vitality, reassurance, excitement, and purpose?

We banish doubt. 

“Fear dissipates when doubt is banished” 

It’s easy to go with what’s comfortable, accept defeat, or live in fear of exercise where we don’t need to take action, but that fosters a life of inaction, stagnation and lack of purpose. To banish doubt you must TAKE ACTION – be willing to forego security and stability to step into the unknown and take a risk.

Everything you do produces a result – no matter the place, time or position – it’s what you do with those results that counts! Eradicate fear by knowing you have it what is takes. Results (no matter the outcome) yield experience and knowledge that enable growth. As soon as you acquire the 100% trust in your ability and an unshakable belief, the idea of possessing even the smallest ounce of doubt is long gone. You’re ready and soon won’t be able to think otherwise.

Taking action can be reflection, it can be going out and creating something tangible, or preparing for the future. Various methods exist to build the courage and confidence in yourself to tap into your potential. Realizing you CAN do what you are capable of given your particular skills, at a certain time and under certain conditions is empowering and enables us the strength rise to the challenge (and even seek them!).

Stop doubting and start living! 

1. Get out there! Experience! Internalize the good! Performing and gaining experience prepares you to be better it. No matter the outcome..switch your mentality to not see it as failure but GROWTH that prepares you for the future. Practice that speech for you presentation, nail your 3-pointers…it’s easier to focus on the reasons we will fail than all the reasons we are ready so log all these steps you’re take toward being better and think back to them!

2. Expose yourself to others overcoming similar challenges. This will transform the expectations you see in yourself. Finding these positive outcomes in those with shared commonalities and experiences enables us with the understanding we can achieve the same thing! #inspired. Surround yourself with people who are striving to bump up the weight at gym, overcoming an injury or ending world hunger too – follow those people doing great things that you want to achieve as well!

3. Simply DREAM IT! Think about the times you rocked out, draw a picture of the future, visualize the game winning shot.

4. Pep talks! Keep reading these newsletters  we are influenced by what others say about us and believe for us. Encourage others to explore and challenge themselves as well.

5. Our physiological and emotional state can easily put us out-of-whack. A broken pencil is now a life-ending tragedy. Lack of sleep, nutritious food and physical activity has the power to completely alter our perception and ability to process a situation. Increased fatigue and decreased cognition is not what we want…stay up on sleep, pack your plate with colors, and stay moving. Put yourself in the position to be the best you.

Feel confident, ready and fueled with a purpose to go out and conquer the week! Have unshakable belief! Bandura stated, “People see the extraordinary feats of others but not the unwavering commitment and countless hours of perseverant effort that produced them”. Focus on the possibilities…not the limitations!

What are you doing to prepare, take action and propel with readiness to produce the desirable outcomes? Are you practicing, taking risks, or believing?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/scared-to-exer...

Weight Loss Tip: Get in Motion, Stay in Motion

Weight Loss Tip: Get in Motion, Stay in Motion

“Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.”
– Samuel Jackson

From time to time we find ourselves in a rut – stuck, frustrated, bored, beat down or simply going absolutely nowhere. It’s during these times that we have the opportunity to discover some of our greatest abilities, deepest realizations and moments of growth! This truth is demonstrated through something as fundamental as the Laws of Physics.

Here’s a little Physics101: Newton’s First Law says that an object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

This “Law of Inertia” makes it clear – in order to stay grinding on what you want to get done, you have to first get moving and secondly eliminate the unbalanced forced…persevere!

This is figuratively speaking (yes, there is much more to these laws of physics) – pushing through the tough times (weight loss, muscle gain, work stress, etc.) and relentlessly pursuing despite adversity – but literally speaking…GET MOVING! I’m asking you to stand up and take a walk.

The small act of activity can do wonders biologically to alter our states of mind, accelerate weight loss, improve our physical health, and transform small, subconscious behavioral changes throughout our day.

Einstein, the legend himself, even compares the act of exercise to these laws of life – “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving“. While Einstein relates the simple act of movement through a universally accepted law, his message conveys the criticalness of the staying in motion. Whether you want to finish a paper, start an exercise plan for weight loss, or take your performance to the next level, you must start somewhere. Whether it be small actions each day or simply taking a walk – stay continually active in your pursuit!

Great acts are surely performed with perseverance and finding ways to thrive despite difficulties, but add a little physical motion into the mix and you are providing yourself the best chance of optimizing your potential.

We have grown to become a society of convenience, and I am as much a part of it (and guilty) as any one else!

Staying active throughout the day, is just as important as the power hour gym sesh you squeezed in before work (still shout out to you for fitting that in!). Small bursts of movements are better than none at all!

So make that trip to the restroom, go talk to our friend in the office over, make that extra block for your mid-day Starbucks fix, or a second to step outside for five minutes – even if your’e not seeking weight loss, this makes a difference! Studies suggest it improves your memory and attention, reduces fatigue, tension, confusion, and depression! ..and it’s free! MOVE!

This movement spillovers to other areas of your life. Throw a ball with the kids, take a walk instead of scrolling through Facebook at lunch, or simply stand up for a couple minutes while you’re grinding out a paper.

How do you plan on incorporating little bouts of movement into your day to better improve your life?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/weight-loss-mo...

Finding Your Greatness

Finding Your Greatness

“Greatness is just something we made up.
Somehow we’ve come to believe
that greatness is a gift
reserved for a chosen few.
For prodigies. For superstars.
And the rest of us can only stand by watching.
You can forget that.
Greatness is not some rare DNA strand.
It’s not some precious thing.
Greatness is no more unique to us than breathing.
We’re all capable of it.
All of us.” – Nike


The heights of our capacity are fascinating… it’s for this very reason our striving for greatness has become a fundamental human drive. To push beyond the limits, question the possibilities and possess an innate purpose to offer something for the betterment of others (whatever that be) energizes a sense of greatness in each of us.

Immerse yourself in the research and you will find no conclusion on the origin of greatness – it is far too complex to be captured in a single approach. Even how we conceptualize greatness is inconclusive.

What is “greatness” anyways?

The only conclusion we can possibly agree upon is that NO single, defined reason, trait or ability alone can generalize one’s ability to achieve or possess greatness. Greatness manifests in the interaction of complex factors which we can only make an effort to understand.

The power these complex interactions between variables of environmental situations, genetic variations or skill sets reside in each of us and the 24 hours in our day.

How do you choose to interpret that and what are you going to make of it?

“Athletic greatness” for example draws on a different set of abilities, skills, and dispositions than that of “academic greatness”. Even the complexities amongst a sport demonstrate that two people can obtain the same result but through two very different routes. Greatness is nothing but a word which we individually choose to define and perceive both in our self and others. Greatness is nothing more than our perception.

Great could be taking your first step in a mile or it could be your meditative practice. Only you define what great is and what you aspire – never be afraid to do that and believe the ability resides within you.

Must all paths to greatness require extraordinary talent? Is it sheer luck? Are you waiting for the opportune time, developmental circumstance, or influence of experiences?

Engage and take action in meaningful work and your greatness will follow.

The ability to be great resides in each of us.

Be your own kind of great – anyone can be great, anyone can do it.

What will you do?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/greatness/

The Determining Factor of Success

The Determining Factor of Success

“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” -Winston Churchill

How do we choose success?

A tight correlation has been recently discovered between a person’s perception of their health and their actual health status. This study found that those who believe that weight is outside of their control have less healthy BMIs, make poorer food choices, and report lower levels of personal wellbeing than those who don’t.

Why? Because if it is outside of their control and if they “don’t even have a shot” of course they are going to engage in behaviors that are rewarding in the short term!

The ability to focus on solutions in the face of adversity, to see growth – that is the determination of success.

Dr. Jason Selk speaks on this in 10 Minute Mental Toughness – “We humans are better at seeing problems than we are at seeing solutions. This itself is a problem, because what we dwell on expands“.

Those that think they are stuck with what they have – whether that be athletic performance, career, body type, poor eating, personality ticks, behavioral habits – are less likely to make an effort to change and often become distressed.

When we begin to focus on problems, our brain releases neurotransmitters that cause us to feel ‘not so hot’, they significantly limit your intellectual abilities and creativity. This is all occurring biologically and comes down back to how we perceive ourself, our control, and that overall image. It makes sense that we generally give up on hopeless causes…they wouldn’t be advantageous and our biological tendency is to focus on problem centric thoughts.

However, the second you cross the barrier and search to focusing on solutions – you release a whole new set of neurotransmitters that cause you to feel better, increase your memory, mental capacity and creativity.

Being focused on solutions means keeping your thoughts centered on what you want from life and what it takes to achieve what you want, as opposed to allowing thoughts of self-doubt and concern to occupy the mind“, Selk’s research found most solution-focused people achieve this 40% of the time, but RELENTLESS solution-focused people replace 100% of undesirable thinking with thoughts emphasizing solutions.

You possess the ability to achieve success. The first step is believing it’s in your power to change. The second is to choose to be relentlessly focused on the solutions and seeing growth.

1. Have the choice 2. See the solutions

That’s what this is all about! Want to be pleased with your efforts and progress? It doesn’t matter if you are striving for an Olympic gold medal or cleaning the kitchen – if you have a growth oriented mentality and focus on solutions you will be satisfied!

You have two choices – believe you have the capacity AND fight to overcome the challenge or let problems intimidate you and slump to defeat.

What is on thing you can do differently to make this week better? What is in your control?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/the-determinin...

Dump the Junk and Be Mindful

Dump the Junk and Be Mindful

“Nourish the mind like you do your body. Your body can’t survive off junk food” – Jim Rohn

We’ve been lectured one too many times about the detrimental effects of that cookie we already have shoved halfway down our throat; the harsh-reality that our sudden weight gain over the weekend was the result of one too many pieces of Halloween candy taken from our kid’s pumpkins; and let’s not forget the death stare and “support” from our workout partner that time they didn’t see eye-to-eye on our our choice to choose the full-fat, creamy double scoop of ice cream as our post-workout recovery.


TV Addict

…but what’s this thing about keeping our minds healthy?

That sugary, fat-laden, caloric bundle of goodness doesn’t help our growing body – but just as the food put into our body affects everything from our head to our toes…so does the information we consume.

One of the most significant lifestyle changes to happen over the last 20 years is the increase in the amount of time we each spend in front of one screen or another: television, video games, computers, mobile devices. By some accounts, the average adult spends over eight hours a day in front of a screen.” – Linda Stone

Eight hours. EIGHT HOURS.

So it’s clear we not only do we tend to over-indulge in not-so-great food, but screen-time as well. As with work, sports, and our health – the same rules apply – what we put in is what we get out.

If our body can’t run off junk, how do we expect our mind to either? That “junk” can come in the form of food, but we forget that it also comes through our TV’s, phones, and to take that a step further, the advertisements and media we consequently consume.

I’m all about the occasional vegging on the coach, catching up on the latest scoop, the hottest new series…but obesitydecreased mental functioning, and compromised productivity as a result of this sedentary lifestyle and media influence….not so hot.

Just as we when we try to understand how we become motivated to go to the gym more, we must understand how we are motivated to use social media, tv, etc…and WHY.

Am I bored? Looking for validation? Avoiding something I should be doing? Will this add value to my life?

“Every new tech can be abused, the more powerfully it gives the more powerfully it bites” Wired, Kevin Kelly

The power of any tool lies in the intentions of it’s user! Here’s to a week of being mindful of not only what goes through our mouth, but also our mind!

How do you plan on unplugging this week?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/dump-the-junk-...

Laughter, Exercise and Community – The importance of going on an internal jog

Laughter, Exercise and Community – The importance of going on an internal jog

“Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors.”
-Norman Cousins

Physical activity does wonders for our body – lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, promoting cardiac health, releasing endorphins, boosting immunity – now what if I told you laughter did the same thing?

Laughter (or as Dr. Wiliam Fry coined the term “internal aerobics“) and physical activity (“external aerobics“) are both fundamental components to health. You can nurture yourself with the benefits of both at the same time.

What’s one of the most effective ways of achieving this two-in-one workout?

Group exercise.

A socially supported exercise leadership style increases participant self-efficacy, energy, and enthusiasm. Individuals experience less post-exercise fatigue and care for embarrassing themselves (that would explain why people come back for round two in the evening even when they knows what’s comin’!).

This increased sense of enjoyment integrated around the pursuit of a goal and satisfying social interactions fosters exercise adherence – as Mark Twain said, “He who laughs, lasts“. The creation of a cohesive exercise groups emerges – an atmosphere destined for laughter.

We encourage this aspect of health at COR by celebrating fun fitness everyday through challenges, games, personalized goal setting and a sense of community – but this Saturday we invite everyone!

On Saturday, October 31st we will be offering a full, fun morning of FREE events – Halloween Boot Camp from 7-8am, Pumpkin Carving from 8-10am and then our last Zumba class from 11-12am …. ALL FOR FREE!

Exercise doesn’t have to be boring. Find where fun and fit collide! Be happy, get healthy – “Humor is an antidote for all ills!” – Patch Adams

Here’s to a week of fun, exercising with friends and experiencing the power of a community!

How do you plan on getting your internal and external jog?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/laughter-exerc...

COR and the Cure – More than Physical Therapy

COR and the Cure – More than Physical Therapy

"There’s a great metaphor that one of my doctors uses: If a fish is swimming in a dirty tank and it gets sick, do you take it to the vet and amputate the fin? No, you clean the water. So, I cleaned up my system. By eating organic raw greens, nuts and healthy fats, I am flooding my body with enzymes, vitamins and oxygen.”
– Kris Carr

Many of us have become accustomed to flooding our bodies with “dirty water” and then going out to “amputate the fin” – yet, we fail to address the root of the problem.

The norm is to feed our bodies with processed, sugary foods and then focus on dealing with the repercussions. This frustrating process of addressing the consequence rather than the cause can be experienced in countless dimensions. If you think about how COR approaches injury during physical therapy – we make sure to question *why* (i.e. video, biomechanical analysis, understanding the entire picture) rather than only fixing the effect – it is no different than the way we should look at our health. Remember, at all our Santa Clara, CA physical therapy sessions, we put out the fire, we don’t just take the batteries out of the smoke alarm.

Diet is one of the many pieces to the puzzle. However, too often we resort to altering our perception and approach to nutrition only when we’ve reached extreme and alarming lows in our health.

The growing support and advocacy to highlight certain diseases has been huge for awareness and progress toward a cure. My favorite opportunity this awareness presents is the chance to make clear the role of health in each of us – using the examples and proof through others to ignite change within ourselves.

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s the perfect excuse to provide wisdom from some of the many, incredible examples of men and women who inspired change after being diagnosed with cancer. Whether or not you or a loved one has been personally impacted by disease, we all relate in sharing and contributing to one thing – an ownership of a machine that demands care – our body.

Diagnosed with an incurable Stage 4 cancer, Kris Carr has become one of the leading health advocates and cancer inspirations. It was over ten years ago this wake-up call encouraged her lifestyle change and efforts that sparked a wellness revolution!

It Isn’t Just About Physical Therapy and Personal Training!

A couple pieces of wisdom she discovered through her experiences:

“I knew when I was diagnosed with cancer the only thing I could control was what I ate, what I drank and what I would think.”
“The ability to feel clean and healthy resides in our control. The thoughts and nutrients you allow to pass through your body.”
“Change your plate. Change your fate.”

As we continue getting down to business to support Cancer, we encourage you to join us. Heading into week 1 of our 30 day challenge for Prostate Cancer, let us not forget that October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month! October has become the perfect excuse to adorn ourselves in pink ribbons, race for a cure, share stories and come together to support a cause. Stay tuned on how you can join the COR family in doing so!

For COR, these 30 days allow us to continue striving for a cure. We want to reach new health horizons and you to experience peaks in your well-being. Help us workout for a cure this month, use our hashtag #30MOCOR to raise awareness, donate to our group, or attend our workshops and events. Remember, step one is about making yourself feel better, whether it is with physical therapy or personal training, then it involves helping the community!

How are you going to better fuel your body this week? Which way are you choosing to get involved to spread better health?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/cor-physical-t...

Mo’ stache, Mo’ Moves, and Mo’ Motivation!

Mo’ stache, Mo’ Moves, and Mo’ Motivation!

"I’ve always made a total effort, even when the odds seemed entirely against me. I never quit trying; I never felt that I didn’t have a chance to win. “ – Arnold Palmer

62 PGA Tour winning legend, drink connoisseur and World Golf hall-of-famer – but among his array of accolades, Palmer’s proudest to date is his triumph over prostate cancer.   

“Success in golf depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind and character.”

This “strength of mind and character” Palmer built through disciplined practice later applied to a whole new challenge. Through success as an athlete, Palmer exemplified a resilient mentality…one that proved to be no different as he battled cancer. The mental and physical benefits built upon an active and athletic lifestyle set the foundation for Palmer’s determination and strength to survive – first in the game of golf, but later in the game of life.

Although retired from the game, Palmer is an advocate for lifelong exercise and healthy habits. So are we.

Do you know the key to battling prostate and other cancers? A healthy lifestyle.  

Maybe you’ve begun to notice the super rad beard John’s [soon to be ‘stache] been sporting. #30MOCOR That’s because COR is taking on the Movember Challenge – and we want YOU to join us! For the month of November, we will track everyone’s attendance at COR. This includes yoga, double workouts, workshops, boot camp, Zumba, (sorry not physical therapy, stay healthy!), etc. The members with the highest attendance will win a prize…excited yet! Also, we’ll be raising money for Cancer Research Institute. Donate to our team here!

Knowledge is power right? Next time you see us rocking the ‘moustache’, ask us what a good diet and life in motion can do to prevent cancer and lead a life free of health issues.

At the heart of COR, we strive to foster growing, giving and moving…now we are taking it to a whole new level. Every day we focus on optimizing lives, but these next 30 days we are committed to tackling the biggest health issues faced by men – prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity.


So mo’ stache, mo’ moves, and mo’ motivation!

How are you going to step it up?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/mo-stache-mo-m...

WOOP: Oettingen’s Four Step Process for Improvement

WOOP: Oettingen’s Four Step Process for Improvement

All these motivational messages out there – whether it be the hippest Justin Bieber song, political campaigns, or my most recent cheesy quote – preach to “dream big!” and “be positive!”. The rare, gleam of positivity is unfortunately one of the most constructive influences we experience during our day. Provided the abundance of depressing headlines and negative media we are continually exposed to (whether we realize it or not), who am I to not advocate that as well? ….but is this fool-proof PMA effective?

Gabriele Oettingen’s (http://www.woopmylife.org) 20+ years of research on the science of human motivation reveals otherwise. The conventional wisdom supporting the no-fail, ruthless, positive thinking-phenomenon falls short by excluding one detrimental aspect in the terms of our processing.

The obstacle.

“The solution isn’t to do away with dreaming and positive thinking. Rather, it’s making the most of our fantasies by brushing them up against the very thing most of us are taught to ignore or diminish: the obstacles that stand in our way.”
“The obstacles that we think prevent us from realizing our deepest wishes can actually lead to their fulfillment.”

Mental contrasting – dreaming + obstacles. The main idea: If we can visualize our dream, face the realities, devise a plan, and gain energy to take action – we start WOOP’n!

WOOP: Oettingen’s Four Step Process

W – Wish

Ask yourself, what is the most important wish I’d like to realize and fulfill? Could be today, tomorrow, 10 years – take something that is near and dear, challenging but feasible. Formulate in three to four words.

O – Outcome

What could be the BEST possible outcome? I’m talking your perfect world. It could be an emotion, outcome, anything.Now imagine experiencing it. Seriously, let your mind wander.

O – Obstacle

Switchin’ gears on you – what stops you from fulfilling that dream, experiencing that wish? What’s in you that’s holding you back?
In less than four words write down this inner main obstacle.

P – Plan

What can you do to overcome that obstacle? What action can you take?

Think about that behavior you’ll take, and just as you did before formulate a plan in three to four words.

Fill in the blank – If ___(obstacle)__, then I will __(behavior)__.

Not only can you dream big but the power and any fear of obstacle resides in you. A positive thinker is free to think of new ways to solve problems because they are not limited by fear. This process allows you to put forth effort into your most promising endeavors that are both challenging and feasible.

1. Start with the positive fantasy
2. Discover the obstacle within yourself

This is applicable no matter the behavior (could be a mundane daily task or ambitious life goal) and any stage of life (3rd grader or grandparent). Oettingen’s studies proved that programming their nonconscious mind to get what they needed done determined how they acted in a problematic situation. We learned that if we can devote the mental energy before hand, while it might take some initial effort, we have a process in place and we no longer need to decide if we need to eat less or go for that run. The obstacle is linked to the instrument to overcome it.

If you’re striving to swim faster, lose weight, or run a marathon this process nonconsciously associates the future with reality and the obstacle with the means thus providing you the energy and mastery to overcome anything!

What is your dearest wish? What’s standing in your way of achieving it? An obstacle is nothing but a stepping stone!
Now, can I get a “WOOP WOOP”!?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/woop-oettingen...